Call for Caregiver Comments on the 2022 RAISE National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
November 11, 2022
In September 2022 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, and the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren released their first National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers and are looking for your feedback.
The National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers is an effort to change systems so that family caregivers can receive the recognition, assistance, and support they deserve. The full report is lengthy, so we have pulled out a summary of the goals and outcomes below.
When reading think about the two questions the comment form asks:
What would you identify as your top three priorities?
Is there anything missing?
Write and submit your comment on the ACL (Administration for Community Living) portal HERE by Wednesday November 30th.
When selecting the section of the Strategy you are commenting on choose: “The 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers narrative.”
Goal 1: Increase awareness of and outreach to family caregivers
Americans are educated about and understand the experience of family caregiving.
Caregiver self-identification and knowledge of services is enhanced.
Outreach to family caregivers is improved.
Family caregiving—and caregivers—are embedded in federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local planning.
Public-private partnerships at all levels help drive family caregiver recognition and support.
Goal 2: Advance partnerships and engagement with family caregivers
Family caregivers are recognized as essential partners in the care teams of the person(s) to whom they are providing support.
Where appropriate, identifying services and supports needs for caregivers consistently starts with a review of family caregiver strengths and preferences using evidence-based assessments.
Where appropriate, family caregivers are included and considered in the development of care recipient’s plans of care across a range of settings and circumstances.
When policies are proposed or revised, the potential impact on family caregivers is anticipated and understood.
The education curricula of professionals who will potentially work with family caregivers include specific topics and coursework designed to ensure they have the skills to do so effectively.
Goal 3: Strengthen services and supports for family caregivers
Person- and family-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate caregiver services and supports are accessible for all family caregivers.
Family caregivers can obtain respite services that meet their unique needs.
A range of evidence-based, education, counseling, and peer support services are available to family caregivers.
Family caregivers and families have safe places to live, nutritious food, and adequate transportation.
Family caregivers have innovative tools and technology to assist them in their roles.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are trained, vetted, and ready to assist family caregivers.
Family caregivers’ and care recipients’ needs are a key consideration in emergency response efforts.
Family caregivers have the skills and tools necessary to prepare for the future needs of the person they support.
An agile, flexible, and well-trained direct care workforce is available to partner with and support family caregivers.
Goal 4: Ensure financial and workplace security for family caregivers
Family caregivers can provide care without negative impacts to their near- and long-term financial health.
Family caregivers have access to employee-centered flexible workplace policies and practices that support work/life balance and professional performance when personal circumstances change.
Family caregivers have access to and use of financial education and advance planning tools.
Long-term services and supports are more affordable, allowing family caregivers to reduce their out-of-pocket costs.
Goal 5: Expand data, research, and evidence-based practices to support family caregivers.
A national infrastructure will exist to support the collection of population-based data, using standardized wording of the definition of family caregiving, and standardized wording of questions that address the core characteristics of the family caregiving experience.
Family caregiver research facilitates the development and delivery of programs and services that support and enhance the health and well-being of the family caregiver and the person receiving support.
Promising and evidence-informed practices are promoted, translated, and disseminated to support family caregivers in the delivery of health care and social services.
Call for Caregiver Comments on the 2022 RAISE National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
November 11, 2022
In September 2022 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, and the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren released their first National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers and are looking for your feedback.
The National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers is an effort to change systems so that family caregivers can receive the recognition, assistance, and support they deserve. The full report is lengthy, so we have pulled out a summary of the goals and outcomes below.
When reading think about the two questions the comment form asks:
Write and submit your comment on the ACL (Administration for Community Living) portal HERE by Wednesday November 30th.
When selecting the section of the Strategy you are commenting on choose: “The 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers narrative.”
Goal 1: Increase awareness of and outreach to family caregivers
Goal 2: Advance partnerships and engagement with family caregivers
Goal 3: Strengthen services and supports for family caregivers
Goal 4: Ensure financial and workplace security for family caregivers
Goal 5: Expand data, research, and evidence-based practices to support family caregivers.